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Magic of my life !!

Writer's picture: mithra ravimithra ravi

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

Everything that exists probably has a purpose to serve in the universe. Doesn't it? Well, if you ask me if my blog has a purpose to fulfil? I will say a "YES!!" with glee.

Would you believe me if I tell that this blog site - 'Mithravin kadhaigal' acted as a catalyst to find the love of my life? Even though I just created this site to overcome my boredom during the corona pandemic, I felt that the mere existence of this blog, has for sure changed my life. Made my life even more beautiful.

What was the addition to my life, that made it more beautiful? The answer is Gopi!! ❤️

Just like I was searching for my better half, Gopinath who is 28 years old, living in Ireland, was also in search of his better half. It is common in Indian culture to have arranged marriage where people find their match through relatives or through matrimony app. I found my hero Gopinath, through the later. Ah!! Correction, the hero found me through the app. Not the other way around!

Whenever I shared the big news that I'm getting married !!The very first question that popped up from most of the people was "Love or arranged marriage? " My reply was "arranged and madly in love!". It is true that we met through the traditional way but the question is how did my blog help me with this? So, read on to find it!

I still remember the timelines crystal clear. In the mid November of 2020, I went to Kyoto for a two-weeks’ solo trip. That was the time, I broke my mobile and was not having much access to the social media. I got a spare mobile from my friend and was just using WhatsApp and Instagram. On one of the nights, my sister called me and told about Gopi's profile and about his parent's call. She sent me the screenshots of his profile in Instagram. I went through it, I liked the way he had written about supporting his woman's career goals and learnt that he was broadminded. Also from the picture, I felt that he looked like a sweet guy and I could have some daily conversations with him. I have always felt that the character is the most important thing and wanted to end up with someone whom I can relate to. But nevertheless, the physical attraction is also a driving factor.I told to my sister that they can proceed and see how it goes and was neutral about it. I didn't want to think much unless there was a significant progress.

A glimpse of my trip to Kyoto :)

I always liked arranged marriage since childhood. Always thought that my dad will give me the best things in my life and the 'getting to know' phase with the partner is a beautiful experience. But when my parents started searching a groom for me, somehow I was super skeptical about the whole process. I felt that it was very exhausting and complicated. I even cursed myself for telling "no" to the people before in my life. I was very paranoid of ending up with someone who would not understand me. I told my parents that I cannot blindly accept anyone and wanted to meet the person few times before I make a decision.

Getting back to the reality, in the same week, Gopinath's parents dropped a visit to my home and both the families met. They were quite happy with each other and wanted us to talk to see if it should be taken further. All these events were happening while I was still in my Kyoto trip. I returned to Tokyo in the mid of that week and was still using the spare mobile.

On November 27th, a typical Friday, I went to office for work. I suddenly remembered about this groom thingy. I thought that after both the families met, nothing happened. I wanted to speak to the guy but I couldn't, as I didn't have any contact info and was waiting for my parents to share it with me. But I thought that I can just stalk the guy :P This is the only effort that I had taken for the whole relationship. Poor me! When I opened Facebook after so many days through my laptop, I was super surprised to see a message from Gopinath. I was in awe! He had dropped a message a week before, asking me to share my contact details .

Here comes the dumbest part, I happily shared my number by sending only 9 digits. Guess I was too excited! He then shared his number and asked me to contact him as I had given only 9 digits. lol.

I texted him. We were chatting for a long time. I was trying to get to know him. Before exchanging numbers, I just knew a few things about him. His educational background, where he is based out of, few things about his family and I had stalked his pictures from Facebook.

Well, what did he know about me? Plenty. So basically he was the one who found my profile and researched a lot, literally 'stalked' :P He was interested in someone who is passionate about life; career and being independent . When he was searching for matches abroad, my profile had come up. He too had liked my write up in matrimony site and had those initial vibes from my pictures. So, he later stalked me on social platforms - Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Even though my Instagram account is private, I had shared my blog's link in my bio which is public. He read all the 4 posts that I had posted. He could connect well to it and came to know that we were like-minded & had an affinity towards me. By the end of reading the posts, he said to himself "Iva tha en allu!”. He then shared my profile with his family and followed up. Later when he told me all these, I was surprised by his efforts. This blog had indeed played a major role in connecting us.

The same evening, we decided to have an audio call. We spoke for around one and a half hours. He made me so comfortable during the call and we had abundant good vibes. We literally had the same thought process, similar tastes and similar life experiences. We shared similar interests like obsession for the number 3, cycling, fitness, travelling, career and so on. There were so many sync ups like, we did schooling in the same group of schools, my sister and him studied in the same college and even both of our fathers studied in the same college and were batchmates and the list goes on. He respected my love for Japan as well. By the end of the call, I felt that he was just perfect for me. We both liked each other so much and decided to have a video call the next day to know each other more. After I hung up, I told myself "He is the guy, Mithra!".

On the next day, the video call was lit. I don't know how three and a half hours just flew away. I realized that he is such a humble, genuine, sweet, intelligent, supportive and a person who will give proper space when needed. I completely fell for him when the below conversation happened between us.

Mithra: Will you ask Dowry? Do you want anything? If so, tell me what do you want?

Gopi: I just want you Mithra! Nothing else.

I was just gone. We were so much vibing that we were literally discussing on visa process by the end of the call and mutually expressed consent for marriage and how we will convey to our parents about this. Even now I don't know how I accepted to marry a guy without even meeting him. I never had hopes that I would be able to connect with someone through this matrimony site to this extent. But I had those vibes that he is the one!!

Even after the call, he was sending me more vibes by sharing things from my blog. I had written in my one of the blogs that I don't wanna change my second name after my marriage and wanna always be 'Mithra Ravichandran'. He brought up the topic by himself and told that I don't have to change. All these gestures made me think that my decision will never be wrong. Some connections are rare and beautiful. I got that connect with him. Now I know why it never worked out with anyone else. I'm just destined to be with him.

The next milestone was to meet in person. I had a planned trip to India during early January 2021. So, I asked him if he can also visit India during the same timeline. Even though it was not the best time for him to travel professionally, he took efforts. But his trip was uncertain due to the outbreak of the second strain of corona virus. After so many uncertainties and given that his first flight got cancelled, he finally made it by booking his second flight. Amidst the corona pandemic we somehow managed to meet!! He always keeps saying that he crossed oceans for me.

The January trip was just like a fairy tale to both of us. We had the official event of bride and groom meet with a bunch of family members on 17th, which was the 50th day since we knew each other. Special coincidence it was. I was very paranoid being on the limelight in the event and was feeling uneasy a day before the event both mentally and physically. He called over phone and pacified me for some good 40 minutes. That was one of the sweet gestures from him. If that is not love, I don't know what else is! The event went smoothly. Cannot forget that first meet, the first eye contact, his charming smile and what not? I could connect with him immensely in person as well.

I need to mention that I just fell twice for him. Once for the 'person he was' when I spoke to him first on call and second time, when I met him in person for his handsomeness. I call him, ‘Beauty with brains'.

First pic of *Migo*

Today, when I look back, it just feels like everything happened at the right time and nothing better could have happened for me. He is just the guy I had always wished for. Many thanks to Fuji baby, to whom I prayed and wished for a good husband.

Having spent a quality week with Gopi in Chennai, now being away from each other during this beautiful courtship period makes me yearn for him more but I know that we are going to be together forever in few months and that keeps me going.

The unending video calls ;)

One more warm memory that happened during our first video call is that, when we were almost done with the call, I asked him, "Aprm, vera enna? " He replied, "vera enanga... just waiting for the day, when I'll come in Mithravin kadhaigal blog!"

So, the wait is over!! Here, it is !! :)

"Happy Birthday Gopi, I'm the luckiest to get you. I 'll cross oceans for you too. When I told to my friends that I'm moving out of Tokyo, everyone was shocked, but I know that it's all worth it. You are the magic of my life that I will cherish forever! Happy 29 :) I will make you the happiest man in the world and 'll go miles just to see you smile✨.



This is how my blog changed my life! I got Gopi or rather Gopi found me :)!


May 30, 2021

I was literally smiling reading this post...😻 always love your ways of expressing your thoughts in words -blog or letters.. I am so happy for you bubbly💜

mithra ravi
mithra ravi
May 30, 2021
Replying to

Thank you so much Kayal for your lovely words ❤️


Mar 03, 2021

Congozz Mithra..!! Happiee for yu..!!

That last line is epic..

"Crossing miles to see ya smile.. "



©2020 by Mithravin Kadhaigal

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